Falsehoods, Fakers & Facts

by Dr. Kenneth F. Muhich
Updated with a new chapter,
and includes The Fibromyalgia Fix

If you’ve HAD IT UP TO HERE with fibromyalgia fakers and their fibs … ineffective drugs and “sure-fire treatments” being pushed just for profit … so-called experts telling you your fatigue and excruciating pain are all in your head … snake-oil artists peddling “cures” with no proof …
… then this is the book for you.

This is the fact: there is no silver bullet. No magic.

What there is, is three decades of solid research … valid studies and field tests … actual clinical work with fibromyalgia patients where successes vastly outnumber disappointments.

AND … a series of steps you can follow to prepare you for success as you follow your own Fibromyalgia Protocol, to a managed cure where you can once again enjoy virtually all the activities and pleasures that a life well lived has to offer.

A new chapter brings this important book up to the present day.

Softcover, $19.99

Fibromyalgia: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

The revolutionary treatment that can reverse the disease
by Dr. R. Paul St. Amand and Claudia Craig Marek

For many years, Dr. Ken Muhich and Dr. Paul St. Amand – an expert endocrinologist and UCLA assistant clinical professor – collaborated to develop the effective pre-protocol put forward in Fibromyalgia: Falsehoods, Fakers and Facts. It prepares you for this book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You offers Dr. St. Amand’s latest research on the guaifenesin protocol: an inexpensive, safe, and increasingly available medication that can help reverse the disease. The authors have seen symptoms eliminated and normal quality of life restored in an astonishing 90 percent of patients who followed this protocol. Now updated and revised with more information about the current treatment of fibromyalgia and what causes it, changes in disease protocol, more patient anecdotes, and a deeper understanding of symptoms, treatments, and results.

Softcover, $14.99.

Fibromyalgia Fatigue: What Your Doctor May Not Tell You

A groundbreaking new guide to help sufferers relieve their chronic fatigue.
by Dr. R. Paul St. Amand and Claudia Craig Marek

In this significant book, Dr. St. Amand and Claudia Marek deliver a detailed diet, exercise, and lifestyle plan to help sufferers fight the debilitating effects of the chronic fatigue that almost always accompanies fibromyalgia. Focusing on boosting energy, the authors offer important advice on avoiding the illnesses and injuries common to fibromyalgics (called energy drains), and how to actually increase energy through the right combination of diet and exercise. Plus, a clear discussion on how energy is created by the body, and delicious recipes that have been proven to relieve symptoms – helping readers reclaim their lives and their health.

Softcover, $14.95